Friday, 31 December 2010

Arrived In Sydney

I'm in Australia!

My flight from Hong Kong to Sydney - not too bad. I changed my watch from English time (early morning) to Aussie time (late evening) while in HK airport, so I was able to adjust. After somehow traversing the vast length and breath of HK Airport (which included me taking the most unnecessary train journey ever), I got to my gate. On my way, knowing how thirsty I'd been on the first leg of my trip, I cleverly bought three big bottles of water for me to take on the plane. After parting with 30 Hong Kong dollars (don't really know how much that is), I took the three bottles with me, and joined the back of the queue.

When I got to the front of the queue, about 5 minutes later, my water was confiscated for being a "dangerous liquid". Despite my protestations that I'd purchased said liquid from a shop which was still in view, the somewhat over officious guard took my water and put it into a large bin. I told him that it was an "effing disgrace", but quite quietly, because he was armed with a rather large gun.

Anyway, with the memories of my hard earned 30 HK dollars literally being poured down the drain, I got on the plane, and fell asleep. On my first leg, as nice as the bloke I got chatting to was, he was a person who sat in the seat next to me. On this second leg, there was nobody there. Result. I got 9 hours of lolling (not laughing out loud) across two seats, with two pillows and two blankets. The guy on the other side looked quite annoyed that I dared use unused bedding, but as he only spoke French, decided not to tell me off. (Malgre le fait que je parle francais parfaitement) < If I got that bit wrong, let me know!

I managed to sleep for a large proportion of the journey, before filling in the remaining couple of hours by playing Football Manager on the laptop. (Won the league with Derby). At this point, I must congratulate Cathay Airways for installing plugs in the back of the chairs in front. This allowed me to keep laptop, phone and other various electronic devices nicely topped up. Thanks.

After a lovely breakfast of omelette, bacon and sausages (seriously, it was nice for plane food), flight CX101 arrived in Sydney. All the way through I'd been a bit worried that I wouldn't be allowed into Australia, for a variety of reasons. My passport only has a few months left. My visa only arrived yesterday. And just general paranoia. So imagine my surprise when I sailed through customs, quarantine and all other measures of control, to find my bag waiting for me. Nothing to worry about! I got the taxi to Balmain (suburb of Sydney), where I'm writing this now.

Time difference is weird; am not really sure what time it is anywhere around the world. The clock in the corner of the screen says 3.39 PM, but I don't know if my body feels like it is. As it's New Years Eve, there are plans for fireworks and all sorts later (plus a traditional Aussie meal of a barbie), so whether I hold out until then or not I don't know. Anyway, that'll be it from me today - will try and take some pictures of later (if I'm still awake!)

Will x

1 comment:

  1. Phew - glad you arrived safely and phew you didn't say out loud what you were thinking to the guard ! i.e End of Gap Year back hello prison... look up referenece to The Bangok Hilton - scary film with Nicole Kidman !

    Brings back memories of Balmain, fireworks and cricket all in one go ! Have a great time - no idea what time frame you are on but have fun tonight/today - remember SLEEP IS FOR WIMPS ! Live it large !
